I am making an attempt to kind addresses PT2R and P2WSH from Public key hex. Receiving this Public key hex from API like array of objects:
const information = [
staker_pk_hex: "511eff6fdfec5a0d592c49ee1120d96756d16797263dea5973f6b53e5e1e2a11",
active_tvl: 5000000,
total_tvl: 5000000,
active_delegations: 1,
total_delegations: 1
staker_pk_hex: "21657f042073b8c4d72ecfcc8826e49a21d4ab3ed7e0b5c45d70fe2e28b726d4",
active_tvl: 5000000,
total_tvl: 5000000,
active_delegations: 1,
total_delegations: 1
I do know precisely that these accs have transactions, however once I making an attempt to create addresses from pb_key, they’re improper. As a result of they haven’t any txs.(checking with mempool)
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
const nodeCrypto = require('crypto');
const ecc = require('tiny-secp256k1');
// Initialize ECC library for Taproot
// Step 1: Outline the compressed public key (33 bytes)
const publicKey = Buffer.from('21657f042073b8c4d72ecfcc8826e49a21d4ab3ed7e0b5c45d70fe2e28b726d4', 'hex');
// Step 2: Assemble the script: OP_PUSH33 OP_CHECKSIG
// OP_PUSH33 is represented as 0x21 (hex for 33), OP_CHECKSIG is 0xAC
const script = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x21]), // OP_PUSH33 (33 bytes)
publicKey, // The compressed public key
Buffer.from([0xAC]) // OP_CHECKSIG
console.log("Script (hex):", script.toString('hex'));
const witnessProgram = nodeCrypto.createHash('sha256').replace(script).digest();
console.log("Witness Program (hex):", witnessProgram.toString('hex'));
const { deal with: p2wshAddress } = bitcoin.funds.p2wsh({
redeem: { output: script },
community: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin,
console.log("P2WSH Tackle:", p2wshAddress);
const taprootInternalPubkey = publicKey;
const { deal with: p2trAddress } = bitcoin.funds.p2tr({
internalPubkey: taprootInternalPubkey,
community: bitcoin.networks.bitcoin,
console.log("P2TR Tackle:", p2trAddress);
Am I doing this proper? or is there a mistake within the code?
Results of this script:
Script (hex): 2121657f042073b8c4d72ecfcc8826e49a21d4ab3ed7e0b5c45d70fe2e28b726d4ac
Witness Program (hex): 224bb54f40d38c5f0c24d13687396cd5b9cf08f7b9dd0d782834641daf2ad6fb
P2WSH Tackle: bc1qyf9m2n6q6wx97rpy6ymgwwtv6kuu7z8hh8ws67pgx3jpmte26masn0eg0p
P2TR Tackle: bc1px44ha7elzraz9av4her96me0lslts8zvd3vgv9zc740ss8aa0c3shkkqqs